Our Programs
Online Financial Literacy curriculum for grades 7-12.

The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Getting Personal (Instructor’s e-Guide)
The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Getting Personal (Student Product Package)
The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Getting Personal
18 fun, online lessons in all aspects of personal finance and money management.
The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Going Global
17 engaging lessons in how money works in the world—commerce, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Print or digital.

Instructor Guides contain full lessons plans that are classroom-ready and structured in easy to teach traditional and blended formats.
Each lesson plan includes an:
- Introductory set
- Identified learning objectives
- Chapter vocabulary list
- Content presentation
- One or more practice activity
- One or more at home practice or project
- Links to supplemental video and online resources
- Chapter assessments
Lessons include multiple discussion prompts to engage students with the topic and suggested differentiation activities to provide students of all levels an opportunity to learn about a political or economic issue impacting their financial future.

Upgrade the Instructor’s Guide to Include Extras!
What’s included?
› Classroom instructional slides
› Teach the Teacher Podcasts
› Links to Supplemental Resources
› And more!
Yes, I Want To Upgrade My Instructor’s Purchase!

How to Order
It’s easy to purchase your students’ e-textbooks, chapter activity binders, and Instructor’s Guides by using one of our flexible, secure purchase methods:
- Purchase the digital Student Product Package and Instructor’s Guides (available in print and digital) online through this secure website; or
- Download an order form and fax (949-209-1871) or email it to us at financialliteracylessons@gmail.com; or
- Call or text us at 949-230-1108 to place your order
- Feel free to call, text, or email if you have any questions about ordering!
Need a quote before ordering? Request a quote
Print orders ship within 48 hours.
If you have any questions about our products or prefer to speak with a representative before ordering, feel free to email us at financialliteracylessons@gmail.com or give us a call at 949-230-1108.
The Financial Literacy Teacher
Susan Mulcaire, aka The Financial Literacy Teacher, is a banking
and finance attorney-turned-teacher. She holds a B.A. from U.C
Berkeley, a J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law, and a
California teaching credential. She is the author of several college
readiness programs including The 21st Century Student’s Guide
to Study Skills. She can be contacted at financialliteracylessons@gmail.com.

National Partner Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Finance